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Game of Thrones Major Characters Roles in Summary
Today i will be discussing about 17 game of thrones major Characters and their Roles and not only that, I will try my best and make it brief and interesting also.The movie has been trending since its inception, I can say its among the 2018 Most Interesting Movies. The directors of the movie did justice to it scene by scene leaving its viewers in an extraordinary suspense. Am sure you know what am talking about.
Full List of Game of Thrones Main Characters and Cast
1. Jon snow "AegonTargaryen"
Jon of house Targaryen. Presumed bastard son of Ned Stark. The Lord Commander of the Night's watch at castle black. True heir to the iron throne, nephew to Daenerys. Rose from nothing to getting laid to the unburnt. A true legend.
2. Eddard 'Ned' stark
Ned of house of stark Lord of winterfell and warden of the north, becomes the hand of the king after Lord Jon Arryn's death. He's known for his sense of honor and justice. Too bad he was beheaded. A true dad who always wanted what was best for his children.
3. Joffrey Baratheon
Joffrey of houses Baratheon and Lannister. Bastard son of Robert Baratheon and son to cersei and Jaimme Lannister. Nothing gave me more joy than seeing this lad die.
4. Sansa Stark of Winterfell
Sinsa of house of Stark. The most annoying character. The biggest of all fools. Thank God for Arya and Littlefinger who showed her the wise paths. She took me by surprise in season 7. A real lady.
5. Samwell Tarly
Sam of house Tarly, sent to take the black by his father who disowned him for his wittiness and cowardly behavior. To me he's the greatest man in the night's watch. Killed a white Walker, helped cure Jorah Mormont, helped a wilding girl. A real GOAT.
6. Lord Petyr Baelish 'Litylefinger'
Petyr Baelish from the fingers. There's none cunnier than him, the wisest of them all. Had birds everywhere, the real reason behind all the distrusts and wars... all for his love for Lady Stark. Too bad he was killed by a girl.
7. Tyrion Lannister "The Imp" of Westerlands
Tyrion of house Lannister, youngest son of Tywin Lannister rejected by both his father and sister, only got a little amount of love from his brother, betrayed by Shae. He's as wise as he's hoely. He's my favourite character. A real GOAT.
8. Arya Stark of Winterfell
Arya of house Stark.A Lady who never wanted to be a Lady, mastered the art of the sword and the arrow, watched her father die, fought with a little sword named needle, mastered the ways of the faceless men. A true feminist. Not the Chimamanda type.
9. Cersei Lannister of the Westerland and Crow Lands
Cersei of houses Lannister and Baratheon by marriage, fcked her brother like no man's business, lost three sons and one daughter, the best avenger. She suffers all due to a witch's foresight. A real witch.
10. Daenerys Targaryen
Exiled princess of the Targayen dynasty also called the "stormborn". For 17 years she was tormented by her brother who forcefully married her to Khal Drogo, lost her unborn son, freed the enslaved, built a huge army and trained 3 dragons. A true Queen.
11. Olenna Tyrell "The Queen of Thorns" of the reach
Olenna of house Tyrell, known for her mastery at poisons. No wonder she was called the Queen of thorns. The only reason I loved her character is because she killed Joffrey Baratheon . A legendary woman.
12. Ser Gregor Clegane "The mountain"of Westerlands
Ser Gregor of house Clegane, brother to Sando Clegane. He's known for his huge stature and love for violence. Burnt off his brother's face over a toy. Killed Oberyn Martell in the "trial by combat".He majorly helped Cersei survived.
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13. Sandor Clegane "The Hound" of Westerlands
Sandor of house Clegane, also known as the hound. His face was burned off by his own brother. He helped Arya in her journey to the land of the Braavos. Not too friendly but a brave man at that.
14. Tywin Lannister of CastleyRock
Tywin of house Lannister, father to Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister. Killed by his own son Tyrion Lannister who committed patricide. I don't see anything special in this man, but he has to be included because he is the otedola of Games of Thrones.
15. Ser Jaime Lannister of CastleyRock
Ser Jaime of house Lannister, the King slayer, the one handed Knight, the incestor, King guard to Aerys Targaryen II. Despite some of his bad habits, he kept his vow to Lady Stark by helping Brienne of Tarth.
16. Brandon Stark of Winterfell
Bran of house Stark. One of the best climbers, was push off a tower after seeing the truth that leads to the distrusts years later, became the three eyed raven and the watcher of the realm. Rumour has it he's to be a Night King.
17. Varys
Varys also known as 'The Spider", a Eunuch and was the master of whisperers on the King's Small council until he is force to flee King's Landing with Tyrion Lannister . This was one of the characters I adored. Neglecting the fact that he betrayed Ned Stark. He's a great character.
Tell me what else you think is missing about the above mentioned #GAMEOFTHRONES characters.
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